"Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts."
Psalm 105:1-2
One thing I am thankful for this year is a group called Roaring Lambs ministries that actively exemplifies this passage. Their ministry is taking the Lord's Word into the marketplace. They support and encourage several home and community Bible Studies, sending the Word into senior living centers and thru Christian organizations such as Positive Women's Connection Bible study, Women in Christian Media, the DFW Christian Chamber of Commerce and Fellowship of Professional Christian Women. The founder, Gary Kinder, teaches a dynamic Bible study each Sunday at Prestonwood Country club in a non-denominational setting.
I first became acquainted with them at their annual Writer's Conference. The enthusiasm and witness that I experienced there was contagious. I started with Carol Ladd's monthly Bible Study at Prestonwood Country Club and from there was introduced to all the other connections, as well as their annual banquet that honors outstanding Christian leaders in the Dallas business community and the annual "Amplify Your Faith" seminar. The executive director, Donna Skell is a dynamo with seemingly unlimited energy to share the Gospel. It's worth taking time to meet her and hear her amazing testimony and why sharing Christ in the marketplace is her passion.
When we hear the news, both from America and across the world, it is evident that we need to be actively making known to all what He has done. The world is not following Christ's teaching, not because they haven't heard, but they do not believe and practice it. Christians have a tremendous challenge today, not only in praising His name and giving thanks. We must focus time and attention in sharing Truth with everyone we meet, any place any time.
We start with our own families and friends. The workplace is a huge field needing to be harvested. We are not evangelists. We are ordinary people who have experienced the Lord's blessings in our own lives. We don't share this by preaching. We share it in the example we set in our own lives through walking in a close relationship with Christ, obedience to the scriptures, and treating others as Christ has taught us by his example.
The revival this country needs begins with individuals. What are you doing to let others know what he has done for you? He can do as much for them and even more. But how will they know that unless you step up in the confidence he will equip you to tell your story and set an example?