"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principle of this world rather than on Christ." Colossians 2:8
As I listened to the speech makers and commentators at both conventions, this passage continued to come into view. How easily we can be influenced by the words of a good speech and the hype of the crowd. God
became a central figure and a vote was taken whether he would be included or not in one party's agenda.
It is definitely time for us to focus on this passage to determine what is hollow and deceptive, depending on human tradition and the basic principles of this world. How do we know which is which? We must depend on Christ and his Holy Spirit to reveal truth to us. We must also remember than Christ gave us freedom.
Listen carefully to the words. Watch the body language. What does it mean? Is it true, is it fair, is it reasonable? So many questions to be answered. Do we take the word of people we know and trust or people who are set up as authorities?
We live in a complex world. It is sometimes very hard to determine what is right and what is wrong, who speaks the truth and who is influencing us in the wrong way. We often judge by the effect it will have on our finances, our homes, our health. Is it right for others as well as for us? Is it Christian?
Anything that takes freedom away is not of Christ. He transcends time and space, commentators and political parties. Don't be taken captive. Pray and listen.