I have always admired folks who could keep a fast but I've never been one of them. Today I wish I had taken up the practice so I could be in better shape for this colonoscopy prep.
I do take the colonoscopy seriously. My first husband died from colon cancer and it is indeed better to prep for the test than to face the treatment for the disease. I recommend that everyone talk to their doctor regarding their personal need and bite the bullet and do it.
The prep is the worse part of it and that is much easier than living with any cancer.
But I do wish someone out there would discover clear liquids that were filling. I'm starving and less than half way through the ordeal. I'll never eat lime jello again and I dislike black coffee. Can't wait to add the cream when this is over and fill up on solid food. And a steak would taste so great. One thing is for sure. I'll never be a laxative bulemic.
Please, God just give me patience and strength to get through this. Turn my mind over to pleasant thoughts and thanfulness that early detetion is one step toward a cure for a devastating disease. Encourage your people to go the preventive route, even if it is unpleasant. I'm thankful for the doctors who continuously work on developing tests and cures. Give them wisdom and skill. And thank you that this is available.