Anxiety and fear usually work together. The Bible has lots to say about both. How does it work? You are afraid of snakes. So if it is a strong enough fear, just thinking about snakes makes you fee anxious. But if one crosses your path, you could go into flight or fight mode or just freeze on the spot. In either reaction, you get some physical symptoms...acid stomach, heart palpitations, jaw clinching, mouth watering, etc. So be aware of the physical reactions you have to anxiety. These can result in illness over time.
In many passages, the Bible throws money or wanting what we do not have in the mix with fear and anxiety. We fear loosing our money or having them rob us. Or we spend every waking hour thinking about how to make money or working to make it. And often we are rewarded with anxiety and a resulting physical condition. What are we supposed to do? It take money to live. Everything we need costs money. Or so we think. It's not using money to care for our needs that gets us into trouble, is it? No, it's loving money more than we love the Lord; spending more time being concerned about money than we are spending time with the Lord and following him; or spending more time working for money than we do in using it responsibly like spending time with our family or accumulating material goods. It's the misuse that results in anxiety and worry which can lead to serious illness or more serious loss over time. So here is the solution:
"Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 ESV
So which is more important? Loving the Lord or loving money? Has he not promised you to provide for your needs? Then trust him more than the stock market or your the news.