Wednesday, April 16, 2014


The first time I recognized the pain of betrayal was when a relationship fizzled out. I was being faithful, but he was seeing another "on the side." When he broke up and then had the nerve to send me a wedding invitation about 6 weeks later, I was so devastated. I couldn't believe it had happened. I wanted to commit murder or suicide for awhile. I was extremely depressed for awhile. but with help from friends and prayer, I began to heal.

Betrayal is one of those situations where Satan can have a field day. The anger and helplessness really plays with our minds and emotions. We can do and say things we later resent. Things that harm us more than the betrayer.

Look at Jesus. One of his chosen disciples was going to betray him. He knew all about how and why. His loving father was putting him through this and he couldn't refuse. He told Judas just to go on and get it over with. Yet, this betrayal was necessary because without it we wouldn't have the reason we celebrate Easter and the resurrection.

"Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve.  And Judas went to the chief priests and the officers of the temple guard and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus. They were delighted and agreed to give him money.  He consented, and watched for an opportunity to hand Jesus over to them when no crowd was present." Luke 22: 3-6

I can't say that all betrayal will result in good. However, in time, mine did, because I asked God to  help me get over it and move on. Betrayal is fertile ground for Satan, just like when he entered Judas. Be careful when you feel betrayed. Jesus is the answer, not Satan. Jesus was love and Judas was deception, mean spirit and jealousy. Remember Jesus forgiving spirit and ask him for healing of the wounds. His love is what matters. His is our most important friendship. In him we have no fear of betrayal. He laid down his life for us.

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