Tuesday, August 24, 2010

His Grace, My Faith

Here I am Lord. Everything I have ever accomplished in my life is by your grace. Yes, it is I Lord and I have heard you calling in the night. I will go, Lord, as you lead me.....

By His grace, I've been given many gifts, one of which is writing. Oh how the "enemy" dances around in my life and before long my faith had been weakened and replaced with discouragement and finally fear. Then "writer's block" settled in and the dust accumulated on all those fantastic ideas for the Great American Novel as well as my first blog.

By His grace, I'm finally hearing the voices of the encouragers He has placed in my life. My name and devotions, written a couple years ago, are in print, thanks to Standard Publishing. I'm shaking off the dusty idea board, taking more seat time and getting to work. I've put a "stop losss" order on Satan's investment in my life and holding on to His grace. Tonight, I'm taking a first chapter to "Brain Knockers," my crit group.

So here I am, launching my first ever blog. I know it's going to be fun. It's in His hands, by His grace and by my faith in His will for my life. Thanks for being here.


  1. And I'm thrilled to post your first comment! The blog is beautiful. You are moving right along. God bless you and your endeavors for Him!

  2. YAY!!! Gigi

    Can't wait to hear your chapter.

  3. What a beautiful blog you've created! Yay Gigi! Way to go, Friend.

  4. Yeah! Your first post is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  5. It will be fun and interesting to follow along with you and discover with you - and grow our faith together!
