Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Is It Better to Give Than Receive

Quite a subject to ponder at this time of year. Most of us have learned that setting too high expectations usually leads to disappointment and this is often very evident in the gift giving season. The question is: "Am I giving this out of love or expectation?"

When we give from our heart, out of love, what can we expect in return? Does love really mean giving with no expectations?

I believe that the Biblical meaning for giving from love is just giving, without expectation. The joy is in the giving, not receiving any thing in return. The reward is the happiness the gift brings to the other person. As a gift giver, my joy is in finding something that will please the receiver. If it doesn't please them, then I expect them to exchange it for something they want or even to re-gift. Once it is given, it is there's to do what they will with it.

However, I do expect the receiver to acknowledge the gift with a thank you. I am frequently disappointed by that expectation.  I don't believe a "Thank You" is too much to expect and the price is certainly right. Now a written "Thank You" card is a real treasure.

When God blesses us, He is thrilled with our praise and gratitude and doesn't ask anything in return except for obedience in love. I think God is disappointed when we skip the gratitude part. I'm sure He treasures our daily gratitude lists as though it were a note. I don't know about you, but mine is written and fairly specific.

The other side of the giving/receiving coin toss is being a cheerful reciever. Some folks are only givers. They don't know the importance of the role of the receiver. Not being a cheerful receiver limits others the joy of blessing us. This was a very difficult concept for me to grasp, but over time I've come to realize how important that is. Accepting the love another has to give, in it's own terms, is a blessing to both the giver and receiver.

So for Christmas, let's strive to be both cheerful givers as well as receivers. Give up the expectataions and accept what is. Let our gifts be blessings that bring joy and open our hearts to more love. Our greatest gift is still Jesus, God's only son and our Counselor, Reedemer, Friend and Wonderful Savior. All glory and thanks be to God.

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