Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Death of Transparency

Back in the day before computer generated slide shows and other presentation aids, we used transparencies to make a point. They were useful because you could even write on them as you made the presentation instead of writing on a black or white board. They were a clear plastic sheet that let light through to show the picture or writing. You could put a paper over a part of the transparency that you didn't want others to see until you were ready to reveal the picture or answer.

So, how transparent are you? Do you let people see through you and into your mind and heart? Or do you cover up what you are thinking or feeling? What you don't want others to know or to see about you? Why is transparency important? It is usually prudent to be selective about some of your inner thoughts, but sometimes we just can't cover them up. They are revealed in our behavior or spoken ideas and thoughts.

What about our sins? We confess them to God. In our Sunday service, we offer a spoken community confession. Many of us confess to a pastor and some will confess to an absolute stranger at an airport or sitting next to us on the plane, train or bus. We desire complete anonimity or confidentiality,  yet scripture encourages us to confess to each other. Are you a trusted Christian who can hear someone's confession and pray with them? Can you be trusted not to share the heart spoken thoughts and needs with others, even your spouse or Christian prayer group without specific permission to do so. If you can't hold your tongue, then excuse yourself from hearing. Repeating is gossip.Repeating what is told in confidence is the murderer of transparency.

refer to James 15: 15b - 16 (VOICE)

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