Saturday, September 18, 2010

Making Amends

"Esaus ran to meet Jacob and embraced him and fell on his neck and kissed him, and they wept." (Genesis 33:4)

Jacob was meeting his powerful estranged brother. He feared for his life and that of his family. He struggled with God prior to meeting his brother face to face and asked for a blessing over this situation. Esaus was truly delighted to see this brother that he had claimed a birthright from and resulted in Jacob living a difficult life. They embraced and treated each other in grace and delight for being reunited.

Has a misunderstanding or event estranged you from a relative or friend?  Especially one that prevailed for many years? Then the time came when you had to see them? Did you approach with fear and trembling? I did when I was going to attend a High School reunion and be in the company of my "arch enemy."

Like Jacob, I prayed about it and the meeting went well. I couldn't even remember what our "fight" was all about and neither of us brought it up. The years had helped heal the wounds. We actually found some things we had in common and enjoyed visiting with each other.

Being right with each other is very important to God and our own forgiveness.   Making amends  doesn't always require a long confession of wrongs and asking forgiveness.  Being kind and demonstrating genuine concern and delight in being with the person can create a lot of warmth and acceptance.  Right relationships with others definitely helps us avoid counting sheep all night long.

"Right actions in the future are the best apologies for past bad behavior." (Tyron Edwards)

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