Friday, March 23, 2012

Are You Aware?

"The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but reveal to them their own." (Disraeli)  Disraeli was a very wise man, but Jesus was wiser. So I would change this quote to read "but reveal to them their own riches through Christ Jesus and his grace."

Have you ever passed by someone who looked really downtrodden and sad? Did you keep on going or did you stop and offer them encouragement? Did you tell them everything will be all right? How do you know that to be true? With God it can be true, But do they know about his promises and what he can do?

Sharing Jesus with a stranger is difficult. But we know what the results of having him as a friend can be in someone's life. You would not only be sharing your riches, but the riches of heaven. It's important for eveyone to first of all realize that they were created by a loving God who has blessed them with gifts.

It's when we forget God's love and care for us depression sets in and the downtrodden look appears instead of a smile. Helping someone see they are loved and respected and cared for, can be their first step out of the pits. We have to make them aware of God's love and the riches they are heirs to in Jesus.

The first step is our own awareness. We can not share what we don't have, can we? Then we need to pray that God will give us the right words and believe that he will. We may need to pray for safety. Who can avoid a warm smile and loving demeanor? Put on that face and approach the person. God will take care of the rest.

Lord, make us aware of the needs of others, especially the stranger you have placed in our path who needs to know you. Give us your strength and wisdom to say the right thing that will bring them the gift of Jesus.

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