Saturday, March 28, 2015

Get Rid of the Rags

For three years Jesus taught and walked along beside his disciples. Now he was predicting his death. What were they to do? How can they possibly live without his steady and constant guidance? But wait a minute. He promised to be with them, even after his death. How can that be? Well, his father would provide us with the Holy Spirit, the Teacher, our Counselor, our guide.
So we are never alone. The Spirit is always beside or behind us. Just listen for his voice and see what he does for us. No need for crystals, symbols or other physical reminders that are important to non-Christians who worship other spirits. Get rid of them all from your head, your heart and your lives. Embrace the One True Spirit sent by God to stand in for Jesus in our time. We are so blessed with our 3 in 1. He is waiting to take our hand while we wait for the Lord's return.
" Even though the Lord has fed you the bitter food of adversity and offered you the water of oppression, your great Teacher will reveal Himself to you; your eyes will see Him. Your ears will hear sweet words behind you: “Go this way. There is your path; this is how you should go” whenever you must decide whether to turn to the right or the left. Then you’ll get rid of all your worthless idols clad in silver and your despicable images plated with gold. You will destroy these idols and discard them as you do filthy rags, saying, “Get out of here.” Isaiah 30:20-22 The Voice
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  • Gigi Falstrom
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